Our goal at Corey Lake Orchards is to create and offer entertaining and educational tours for both students and adults alike.  We have nearly 150 acres in production and take pleasure in sharing a behind-the-scenes look at our farm with you.

There are no tours open to the general public.  Private tours designed for your specific audience such as an Ag camp, civic club or group, or special friends and family are also available upon request.

Everyone is guaranteed to have a better appreciation and increased knowledge of:

  • Where our food comes from
  • Firsthand look at planting, growing, or harvesting (depends on the season)
  • Common farm implements and how they are used
  • Growing processes – pollination, integrated pest management, crop rotation, soil, water, nutrients
  • Insights into the agriculture industry in general
  • The typical day of a farmer

If you are interested in arranging a private tour, please contact us using the form below.


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