Corey Lake Orchards Celebrates 60 Years!
To owners Beth and Brenda Hubbard, it seems like just yesterday that we celebrated our 50th anniversary of the farm! Both sisters are old enough (barely!) to remember when the family moved to what was originally “Fabius Farm” and Corey Lake Orchards debuted!
The farm has dramatically transformed from a commercial fruit farm selling to food processors and wholesale outlets to today’s popular market, with an onsite distillery, winery, cidery, cider mill, bakery, and authentic play and relaxation areas. Over 150 acres are farmed mainly for the farm market providing an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables picked daily. We also source additional produce, gifts, and grocery items from over 20 local vendors and neighboring small farms.
Below is Dayton’s hand painted sign for the market – still in use.
Things Change, Yet Remain the Same
Looking back over the past six decades, the world and the agricultural industry, as our family has known it, has changed in ways we could not have imagined. Examples include increased government regulation; heightened consumer demand for fresh locally grown produce; growing popularity of agritourism and u-pick; improvements to integrated pest management techniques; new varieties of produce that can withstand weather and pest issues; advances in technology; and better farm equipment. What would our parents and founders, Dayton and Allene Hubbard think about the erratic weather, the social media we use and even how the farm changed with the pandemic?!!
As much as things change, they still remain the same. Running a farm takes hard work and dedication. We are blessed to have a talented and loyal staff, some have worked for us for over 20 years. The next generation has stepped up to sustain the vision and continue the legacy. But on any given day, it is still hands-in-dirt, sunrise to sunset, constant battles with weeds, worms, and weather, and a 24/7 dedication to nurturing the business. And our most important constant is a dedicated customer base that extends to second and third generations! We are so grateful for your support, loyalty, and friendship over the decades. Thank you for growing with us!
Join us in the celebration! Watch for “60 Anniversary” specials throughout the year and historical throwbacks from earlier decades.
From everyone at Corey Lake Orchards
Corey Lake Orchards: Timeline of the First 60 Years
Below are some of the most notable events during our past six decades.
1961 Dayton and Allene Hubbard started Corey Lake Orchards
1962 Began selling produce from back of truck parked in the driveway
1962 Built what is now the “market porch” on front of existing cow barn
1963 Purchased a cider mill and began pressing apple cider
1965 Opened selected areas of the farm for seasonal u-pick
1970 Bought acreage in Constantine and planted an asparagus farm
1988 Built a greenhouse and began growing tomatoes for late spring harvest
1989 Began brandy operation with goal of using excess fruit
1999 Began converting some orchards to juice grapes for Welch’s
2005 Allene Hubbard passes away, matriarch, founder and our mother
2009 Beth Hubbard (daughter) becomes farm manager
2010 Extensive updates to farm market, cider mill, barns, and other buildings
2013 Built and opened bakery (in former cold storage)
2014 Built new cold storage
2014 Dayton Hubbard passes away, patriarch, founder and our father
2015 Launch line of hard ciders made from our pressed cider
2016 Brenda Hubbard (daughter) rejoins business
2017 Hosted first “All Things Local” Festival
2018 First sunflower field experience
2020 Changes to the retail and consumer operation due to COVID-19
2021 New CLO logo and website
Next 60 Years?