Happy Earth Day!
Earth Day is a worldwide, annual event celebrated on April 22. This year, go outside no matter the weather and enjoy the smell of fresh air, contact with the soil, and companionship with nature!
Every day is Earth Day to a farmer. We care about the environment and realize the land we work is precious. We strive to be good stewards and use sustainability practices to do our part in making our little farm and the world a better place. We appreciate our customers, too, as you support us by buying local food to reduce the distance from farm to fork. It has been an honor and privilege to share our farm with you for 60 years and we hope for many more!

A week of “Sprinter”
It seems like every year about this time we get a week of what we call “Sprinter”–a week where spring and winter clash together to cause anxiety among fruit growers. This is that week, we will be happy to put it behind us and have the real spring return: Warm sunny days that bring out the bees to pollinate with gentle, renewing rains! So the cold froze all of the asparagus which was out of the ground, so we will await the return of new spears with the warmer days ahead. We are still assessing the damage to our fruit orchards and grape vineyards. It takes several days to see how the buds change before we can really tell. Stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed!

Bee happily pollinating before winter returned

This orchard is not in bloom, just looks that way covered with snow!

Snow covered apple blossoms
Our Market will officially open for the year on Saturday, May 1st.
We hope to have the following produce on opening weekend (depending on the weather!)
- Asparagus
- Rhubarb
- Mushrooms
- Specialty greens and salad
- Carrots
- Swiss Chard
- Green onions
- Maybe spinach, kale
Plants of all kinds: Vegetable, tomato, flower annuals, flower perennials, and hanging baskets!
Our bakery will remain closed, but we will have frozen “take and bake” fruit pies in the freezer and will be making donuts on both Saturday and Sunday!
Our full line of alcohol products will be available. Also we will have our usual selection of local grocery items like maple syrup, honey, meat, and more. We will have many gift items available as we all start thinking of Mother’s Day or for gifting to yourself!
Check our website next week for more info that we will post there, on facebook and in our newsletter to get everyone ready for another year with Corey Lake Orchards!

Organizing flower plants

Fresh rhubarb!

The smiling Carruth sculptures will be here!

Of course Mad Mats will return!
Thank you for supporting our business!
Thank you for shopping local! We truly look forward to another season with you.
Everyone at Corey Lake Orchards