In special thanks to those have and do serve our country, we are giving each of you a quarter peck of apples of your choice. Our father, Dayton Hubbard, was a proud veteran and would be happy to see the apples from his original orchard being shared with our veterans. Stop by this Saturday, or any Saturday in November if you can’t make it this weekend, to pick up a bag.
Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. Now is a great time to start planning your special dinner and other meals if you also have company over the holiday. We have apples, onions, and squash ready to be worked into your menus. We also have seasonal fresh produce to enjoy eating right now.
Our Days and Hours
Our Holiday Market and Visits with Santa
Our Holiday Market debuts Saturday, Nov. 19. The market and our 100-year old barn will be decorated for the holidays, plus we will have an expanded line of giftware made by local artisans.
Many of you have wanted to buy our vintage holiday decorations. Starting this year, we are making some available! We have added to our collection of decorations – just look for those with a special tag to see if they are available for sale.
Our “Old-Fashioned Visit with Santa” event is returning starting Saturday, Nov. 26. Santa and Mrs. Claus enjoy taking a break from the frenzy of the North Pole to visit the nice families that come to our farm. See our Santa website page for more information and the link to the reservation system.
Dates and Times:
Nov. 26 (9:30-11:30 am)
Dec. 3, 10, and 17 (9:30 am to 1:30 pm)
Reservations Recommended
Cost: $20 per family
Our Sweet Onions

Pie Pumpkins
We still have pie pumpkins for making those wonderful baked pumpkin treats like pies, muffins, bread, dip, cookies, and soups. They are easy to roast – cook them like a squash. They are now $2 each (half off).
Check out Allrecipes tried and tested ways to use pumpkins – “Our 20 Best Pumpkin Recipes of all Time are a Fall Sensation“.
Winter Squash Special
Fresh Tomatoes

Grape Picking
Apple Gleaning / Orchard Clean Up
- Price is $8 a bushel
- Minimum picking quantity of two (2) bushels
- Sold in whole bushels only. For example, if you pick 3.5 bushels, you will be charged for 4 bushels.
- Hours – Open Saturday from 9 am to 2:30 pm, or call for an appointment.
- Please bring containers to take the apples home, you can borrow a bushel basket for measuring.
- Check in and out at the market, do not go directly to the orchard.
Feed Your Animals all Winter
Shop our “Hail of a Deal” on Apples!
We have a decent selection of apples still available in first and second quality. Smaller bags (quarter and half pecks) are sold as first quality. Pecks, half bushels, and bushels are available in second quality only. The second quality apples are discounted and perfect for your processing needs. See explanation of first and second quality at the end of this newsletter.
We also have “bag your own” animal apples on the market for $4.50 a half bushel. Bring your own half bushel basket or 5-gallon bucket and save 50 cents.
Thanks to all of you who have been accepting of and buying our Processing apples! Sadly, most of our apple crop was damaged and we appreciate you buying them and supporting our farm.
Apple Varieties Available Now
- Braeburn: Sweet with a hint of tart, and a firmness that stores well. These traits plus the fact that they bake well have made them a very versatile apple.
- Cameo: A firm, crisp, and sweet apple that resists browning. Great for fresh eating, applesauce, or baking. Stores well in your refrigerator.
- Fuji: Has a fantastic, sweet flavor with a low acid content. An incredibly good keeper, it stays crisp for several weeks without even being refrigerated. Excellent all-purpose use like snacking, baking, and cooking.
- Golden Delicious: A gingery-smooth, sweet taste under a thin skin. It is the most popular yellow apple, good eaten fresh, baked or sliced in salads. Makes a nice apple sauce and many people use for canning pie filling.
- Goldrush. Tart when initially harvested, but when kept in storage, the flavor balances, creating a sweet, acidic, and tangy taste. A cross between Golden Delicious with Rome Beauty and Winesap. Stores for months. (Limited supply, available in half-pecks only).
- Ida Red: Suits your every use! Eat fresh or for cooking. Taste is both tangy and tart. Flesh is white, crisp and juicy. Favored for sauces, pies and desserts. Texture holds up well when baked. (limited supply)
- Jonathan: Pretty and popular, used for fresh eating and cooking, a favorite for apple butter and taffy apples.
- Mutsu: Also called Crispin, it is a cross between Golden Delicious and the Japanese Indo apple. It has a sweet-honeyed flavor mixed with sharp, tangy, and acidic notes. They can be stored until spring. (limited supply)
- Northern Spy: The professional baker’s dream, cooks up well in applesauce, pie and other dishes. Stores well, easy to remember by saying “Spies for pies”.
- Pink Lady: Medium size apple with a firm, crisp flesh, and a tart taste with a sweet finish. Stores well. (Limited supply, available in peck and smaller size bags only)
- Red Delicious: America’s most popular apple, known for the “five little bumps” on the bottom. Best for fresh eating and snacks. Full-flavored sweet taste, yellowish flesh, and crisp texture.
- Red Rome: A big, round, red apple right out of storybooks! They have a mild, sweet flavor. Popular for baking because it holds flavor and shape well.
Back by Popular Demand. We’ve bagged 1/2 pecks of Golden and Red Delicious apples for you starting this Saturday. These are great to give away to a helpful neighbor, a teacher, or yourself!
Community Apple Donations
We have started a “community bin” at the market if you’d like to buy an extra bag of apples, squash, or onions to donate. We have been supplying food banks on a weekly basis this year, but requests have come in to support around 600 families for non-profit organizations who are providing holiday food boxes in November and December.
We are always grateful for the completed harvest and want to give back to the community which supports us and invite you join us in this if you wish.
While cleaning up the fields, we gathered up the remaining squash that we had yet harvested and will donate them to food banks.
What is Available on the Market this Week
- Onions – red and yellow
- Shallots
- Squash – butternut, buttercup, acorn, and carnival
- Apples
- Tomatoes (greenhouse) – red and green
From Bankson Lake Farms
- Arugula
- Celery
- Fennel
- Ginger
- Greens
- Kale
- Lettuce – heads
- Mushrooms
- Radishes
- Spinach
- Sweet potatoes
- Swiss chard
- Turmeric
Other Items
Apple Cider. We stopped making fresh cider at Halloween, but we did freeze some this year if you wish to purchase frozen cider.
Local Grocery Items. Fresh products from our local suppliers – honey, maple syrup products, jams and jellies, salsa, eggs, and Jake’s meats. It’s time to stock up!
U-Pick Herbs. There are still some nice herbs in our herb garden you can pick for $1.50 for a snack size bag. Scissors and bags are on the market, see clerk for assistance. Time to pick your sage for use in fall recipes, especially the turkey.
Below is a picture of our beautiful Pineapple Sage, blooming by the herb garden.
Alcohol Products
- 8 total wines from red to white, dry to sweet
- 8 total hard ciders from dry to sweet, made onsite
- Various fruit brandies made onsite from various fruits
- Rufus Rye, our new straight rye whiskey

From the Bakery
The bakery is closed for the year so the only baked goods available will be frozen pies and strombolis.
Holiday Pies. Plan now to pick up your “take and bake” pies to have ready for the Holidays! Since we keep the freezer stocked, we will not be doing holiday orders, just come and get them! All our pies are made onsite and are 9-inch, frozen, and ready to bake. Flavors include: Apple-2 crust, Apple-Dutch, Blueberry, Cherry, Cherry Berry, Peach, Pumpkin, and Strawberry Rhubarb.
Strombolis. We have frozen strombolis in assorted breakfast and pizza flavors.
Community Events
Happenings on the Farm
We took advantage of the milder weather this week to work in the fields and orchards.
Well, what goes down, must come back up! The great summer weather this week allowed us to get our fields cleaned up. Below everyone is helping to pick up the plastic mulch and drip tape lines that we use to irrigate and provide weed control for our vegetables.

What is the Difference between First and Second Quality Apples?
First quality apple bags will contain apples that are medium to large size, have few (1-2 minor hail marks or indents) or no blemishes, and may have full or partial color. More apples than normal will lack full color this year because we picked them from the inside of the tree, where they were protected from the hail, but then were also shaded. Those lacking color will still taste the same, they just look paler.
Second quality or Processing apples will be medium to large size and have multiple hail marks. The marks will not be deep and can be easily cut out or eaten around. If you are making applesauce or pies, cooking, freezing, canning, or baking these apples are perfect for your use. They have the same flavor and are discounted – a much more economical way to get useable apples. This is the first time we have sold processing apples as in the past we used all of them for our cider.
If you are new to processing apples (or any produce), you may want to check out the resources on our Food Preservation page on our website.
We are also selling food mills on the market; everyone must have one of these! They are best way to make applesauce ever, without peeling!