Meet and Greet with Local Author Sharon Bippus

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The Michigan Writers Cooperative Press (MWCP) recently announced the 4 winners of their annual chapbook contest, representing 3 different genres.   Sharon Bippus is the winner in fiction for her story collection, This Blue Earth.  We are very excited to have a local winner, and especially one who lives across the lake from the market.

Sharon will be at the market from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm to sign copies of her book, and to answer your questions.  If you can’t make that time, she has copies of her book at the market for sale now.

Come join us to celebrate the work of this fine writer!


July 15, 2023
10:30 am - 1:30 pm


Corey Lake Orchards Market
12147 Corey Lake Road
Three Rivers, MI 49093 United States
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