Our terrace garden’s flowers are at their peak right now with so many different kinds, from perennials to annuals. Come join Sue at the Terrace Garden this Saturday anytime between 9 to 10:30 am to pick a bouquet of flowers.
She will show you the proper way to pick a flower, how to care for them, provide suggestions on what to put in your bouquet that you may never have considered, and give you ideas on what you may want to plant yourself next year. This is a great way to learn from our own flower enthusiast. You are welcome to come explore and ask questions even if you don’t want to pick. There is no charge except for the flowers, which are 50 cents a stem.
Please bring a vase and scissors if you can.
Sue manages all our spring plant ordering, creates the flower arrangements planted in pots and antiques around the market areas, and is a member of the Three Rivers Garden Club.