Yoga at the Orchard

Corey Lake Orchards offers a variety of activities and events for the entire family to enjoy.
Check our calendar for happenings and important dates.

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Yoga at the Orchard – is back!  We will offer classes on Saturday mornings starting at 10:30 am throughout the summer.  $15 per person, all ages and yoga abilities welcome.  For those of you who don’t know, Three Rivers is home to So Flexy Yoga and some of their instructors will be visiting us to teach on these weekends.  Improve your health and body while making new friends and enjoying the views at the farm!  See webpage for details.


August 19, 2023
10:30 am - 11:30 am


Corey Lake Orchards Market
12147 Corey Lake Road
Three Rivers, MI 49093 United States
+ Google Map

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